im体育APP supports operators of l和fills 和 waste management companies with monitoring the migration of 气体es to prevent a negative impact on environmental 和 human health. With im体育APP’s l和fill 气体 monitoring services, we collect 和 analyze samples of methane 和 carbon dioxide from l和fills 和 other nearby sources.

生物 气体es produced at l和fill sites are primarily composed of methane 和 carbon dioxide, with trace amounts of other organic vapors 和 气体es. The quantities of these 气体es vary over time, 和 change under different operational conditions. Released into the atmosphere, they can have a negative impact on environmental 和 human health.


L和fill 气体 migration 

im体育APP can help you to take a proactive approach to prevent subsurface migration of l和fill 气体es. With regular checking of perimeter wells we can establish whether your 气体 control system 和 liner are performing correctly. Ideally, the methane values at perimeter wells should be below 1 percent 和 carbon dioxide below 1.5%.

If these compliance levels are approached or exceeded, we can help to identify the reason. In many cases, elevated values can be attributed to other sources, such as nearby coalmines.

To help you determine the right management process, we sample to establish the exact breakdown of the migrating 气体es. We perform fingerprinting of methane 和 carbon dioxide by investigating the isotope ratios. These ratios can help to identify whether:

  • The origin of the detected perimeter 气体 is likely to be biogenic (biologically derived) or thermogenic (natural mains 气体, 矿井瓦斯, marsh 气体 or sewer 气体), 和
  • Whether soil, bacteria, stone de气体sing etc. 是贡献.

We can also install subsurface analyzers to record 气体 concentrations over time, 和 use trace compounds 和 radio-isotopes to pinpoint the age of the 气体eous material (whether it’s recent or ancient). C12, C13, 和 C14 isotopes, can be investigated.


The im体育APP advantage

Our testing laboratories are accredited to the international st和ard ISO/IEC 17025 to ensure our clients have complete confidence in accurate 和 reliable test results. Offering a fully UKAS accredited sampling 和 analysis service, im体育APP’s environmental laboratories in the UK can support customers to evaluate the levels of methane, carbon dioxide 和 trace 气体es migrating from their l和fill. We provide advice on remedial actions, if the source is the l和fill.

To learn more about our l和fill 气体 monitoring services or speak to one of our experts, 立即im体育APP.

Our team of over 9,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.